Pine Cone Stumpwork Hand Embroidery + pattern

Pine Cone Stumpwork Hand Embroidery

If you want more details,
Please watch my video.

 My embroidery pattern here

  techniques & thread colors

Pine Cone Stumpwork Hand Embroidery
branch - heavy chain stitch + reverse chain stitch DMC25 #3722(3)
pine cone - cast on stitch DMC25 #3829(6), #435(6), #310(6), #938(6)
leaves - back stitch DMC25 #3363(3), #895(3), #500(3)

Draw several parallel lines spaced 5mm apart.

This stick is made by cutting a empty pen refill.

I'll make one cast on stitch with 8 loops.

How to work the cast on stitch(pine cone)

(1) Put your needle in the pen refill.

(2) Form 8 loops around your finger.

(3)Remove the refill.

(4)Holding the cast on stitches with your left fingers, 
pull the thread with your right hand.

(5) Insert the needle to the back of the fabric 
and pull your working thread firmly.

This is how to start embroidery threads 
without leaving a knot on back.


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