Christmas wreath embroidery with the Pekinese stitch

Christmas wreath embroidery

fruits - satin stitch 
DMC25 #326(3), #902(3)

leaves - fly leaf stitch 
DMC25 #905(3), #703(3)

bells - chain stitch 
DMC25 #727(3), #444(3), 
satin stitch DMC25 #436(3)

wreath - pekinese stitch 
DMC25 #740(6), Anchor #229(6)

Noel letters - stem stitch 
DMC25 #312(4)

How to do the Pekinese stitch

The pekinese stitch
aka Chinese stitch, blind stitch, 
and forbidden stitch

In order to work this stitch, 
the foundation stitch must be preceded.
The back stitches are suitable as the foundation stitches.
Please start with a line of evenly spaced back stitches.
If you want a dense stitch, start with small back stitches. 

1. Bring your thread up at the end of the first row. 

2.  Pass the needle under the second back stitch from bottom to top.

3.  Pass the needle under the first back stitch from top to bottom. 
*Do not pierce the fabric and the back stitches.

4.  Continue this procedure.
All thread loops must be the same size.


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