oyster stitch embroidery tutorial and pattern

oyster stitch - poinsettia

red leaves - oyster stitch DMC25 #304(6), #3801(6), Anchor #72(6)
green leaves - fly stitch Anchor #229(3)
center - french knot stitch DMC25 #3820(3)

The oyster stitch is a combination 
of the twisted chain stitch and the lazy daisy.

First of all, make one twisted chain stitch.
Bring your needle out from the fabric.

Insert the needle slightly to the left.
Then let it come out from the bottom of the back again.

Loop the thread around the needle.

Pull the thread gently. 
This is the twisted chain stitch.

Let's make the lazy daisy stitch 
on the outside of the twisted chain stitch.
Pass the needle below where the needle first came out(the right leg).
This creates a thread loop.

And put the needle between the right side 
of the chain stitch and the thread loop.

Re-emerge the needle at the bottom of the twisted chain stitch.

Pass the thread under the needle.

Then pull your thread.

And insert the needle outside the thread loop.
This is the oyster stitch.


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